Who, what, where and WHY of blogging...

I've just started this course with Pip. Four days in and already I can tell it's going to be brilliant.

I might just find that bloggy mojo I've been searching for.

The question is Why do I blog ?

I vividly remember when I discovered the phenohmen of blogs. I was sitting on my Queensland verandah reading the Melbourne* weekend papers (on a Tuesday) and there was an article on Melbourne craft bloggers.

Wait, what ?
There are clever women making craft, drinking tea and writing about it ?? On the internet ??

I spent the next 3 days in an Alice in Wonderland style rabbit hole of blogs, websites, craft, words and pretty pictures. I was hooked.

I was isolated at home with a chronic illness and few like minded people around me. Blogs suddenly opened up a world of handmade businesses and finding like minded people.

I was inspired. Motivated. I started sewing. Blogging. Meeting people online. I was starting to DO things and it was this online blog world that had inspired it.

When we decided to move back to Melbourne, it was blogs like Cathie's and Buttons by Lou Lou that lead me to Made 'n Thornbury. 

To say that finding this little gem of a market has positively shaped the last 4 years of my life is an understatement ! More times than not, Made 'n Thornbury has given me a reason to get out. Of the house. Of my comfort zone. Of my rut.

It's also given me employment and business options that I could only dream of sitting on that verandah in Queensland.

I've met life long friends, business partners and amazing people. Through blogging.

How could I NOT blog ?

So, if 1 or 100 people read lil this pocket of the interwebs, I'll continue to blog. To learn. To be inspired. To be motivated.

Maybe by blogging what I love, handmade, Melbourne, food, travel, I'll inspire someone else.

At the very least, Miss Ruby will know she has two guide mothers who love her. And that they also love good beer and wine.

* We may have been living in Qld, but I only read the Melbourne papers.


  1. I did the blog with pip course in feb Dee - it was great! I didn't fully utilize all of the goodness in it though as I just didn't have time, but I think I'd like to revisit it again at a later date. Same two blogs that got me into blogging too! I blog for me too - it has led to so much self growth and opportunity, I could never stop I don't think! Looking forward to catching up soon!

    1. Thanks Emma. Two great blogs for us to share our blogging journey.
      Look forward to catching up soon too. Dee x

  2. I've met some of my very best friends via my blog. LIFELONG friends. And I've been gifted amazing opportunities to do fun stuff. Thanks for blogging with ME and for writing this post, too! x

    1. Thank YOU Pip ! I'm loving the course.
      Me too - some of my best conversations over the last 4 years have been with bloggy friends. Dee x

  3. What a great post. Since I opened up to my friends about blogging-I found it easier to tell strangers at first-I have found out that a few of them have blogs too. This has given us another thing to bond over. I know the course will fire you up.

    1. Thanks Michelle. It's crazy how many of us keep our blogs just to ourselves !
      Hope you're enjoying the course as well.

  4. What a lovely story Dee, thank you for sharing it.

  5. I'm so glad that I'm getting back my blogging mojo too. It has had such a major positive impact on my life over the last 5 years. And I've made so many wonderful friends, including you.

    1. It feels good doesn't it. And kind of a catalyst for getting general life mojo back as well !
      I feel the same way....if blogging leads to fun dinner parties and wine on a Wednesday in fancy wine bars with good friends, then I'm going to keep blogging. x


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