Dear Ruby.......Part Ten

Dear Ruby,

Oh sweet lil girl.

You came, you saw, you captured even more of my heart ! 

You were well rugged up for Melbourne's chilly weather.

Even your teething couldn't dampen your big smiles.
Although it did severely disturb  your sleep ! 

You have grown so much ! 
And almost walking on your own....

You really LOVE that dog ! 
And trucks, trains, cars, motorbikes and TRAMS. 

And your lovely Mama.
She's a good one your Mum, one of my favourite people.
We chatted, ate good food and good wine and went opshopping.
Bliss ! 

You devoured your very first ice cream. 

Blowing me kisses.

I love you Ruby girl......thanks for coming to visit,


  1. so beautiful, it's lovely that you can visit each other so often considering the distance. I adore the picture of her peeping up over the table..x


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